One afternoon Hazel received a call and when she expected the worse but it was Augustus and he sounded fine which was weird since his condition was not the best. He asked Hazel to go to the support group place which was beside a church and to prepare an eulogy for him. When she arrived Isaac and Augustus were there and they both read their eulogy and left. Eight days later at 3:30 am Hazel received a call and the moment she picked up she knew. Augustus mom was sobbing through the phone and Hazel started crying. At the funeral she noticed someone familiar and when she took a closer look is was none other than Peter Van Houten. She was pissed at him and even though he tried to talk to her she refused and left. One day later she talked to Isaac and he said he was preparing something for her and even though she asked his parents if he left something or if he was working on something his parents said he was too sick to even sick so they think he didn't even wrote anything. Hazel searched and then she realised that maybe he had sent it to Van Houten and that's why he had gone to they funeral in the first place.She e-mailed his former assistance, Lidewij Vligenthart, (Since she quit the day Augustus and Hazel went to visit Peter) for help and she searched in his e/mails and when she finally found it she told Hazel she was going to force Peter to read it. Few days past and she finally answerd, she said that even though Van Houten refused to read it at first he read it and he only said that it didn't need any changes and Lidewij sent her pictures on the document. They were 4 pages of a eulogy for Hazel.
" You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and i'm grateful" (Green, 260)
This is from the pre funeral from Hazel's eulogy to Augustus. The quote is one of my favourite on the whole book because their relationship was not based on time even though they didn't had all the time in the world they still managed to make it seem like forever and for them to have a forever based on feelings and not time it's so meaningful to the reader and to the characters.
"I love you present tense" (Green, 270)
This quote is from the funeral when Hazel gets close to the coffin and said this. I love the quote because even though he is not alive anymore she still loves him and i think she will love him until she dies because they created so many memories than most couples can create on a life time and their love went from 0 to a hundred in no time.
I absolutely loved the book, one of the main reasons was because the love story was not super cheesy and it was real. The fact that Augustus died it was heartbreaking but if it didn't happened the book would have been too much fantasy and i liked how it ended. Now that i have finish reading this book i have officially finished all John Green's books: Paper Towns, Will Grayson Will Grayson, An Abundance of Katherines, Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars.