When the two of them walked away from the house behind them came Lidewij apologising about the author's behaviour and invited them to the Anne's Frank house, once they arrived it was a long way up since it was difficult for Hazel to climb the stairs and ladders with her tank. Once they arrived to the top Hazel acknowledge a lot of thing about her life and she and Augustus kissed. Hazel was still sad about Peter not giving her the answers she wanted so Augustus promised her that he would personally write an epilogue just for her. The last day after breakfast Augustus wanted to say something to Hazel so they went for a walk. When Hazel realised something was up she asked Augustus and the answer was not good. He said that while she was at the hospital before Amsterdam when her lungs had filled with water he had felt pain and he went for a check and they found tumors all over his body and it was impossible to stop them. After that they cried and then they went back home. After that she went constantly almost every day to check on Augustus who was now in a wheel chair, and they talked and Isaac was there too and most of the time they were with him. One night she got a call at 3 in the morning and she though the worse but when she picked up it was Gus, he was crying he said he was at a Gas station but something was wrong with the G tube and he needed Hazel to go. When Hazel arrived all freaked out she found Augustus in his car crying and he throw up and he was a mess but he begged Hazel not to call 911 nor his parents and asked her to check the G tube area and chat what was wrong and she found that the tube was infected and she couldn't solve that, she asked Gus why the hell he was in a gas station at 3 in the morning and he said he wanted to buy a pack of cigarets since he lost the pack in hospital. Gus begged Hazel not to call 911 or his parents but since Hazel was so scared she did called them. Gus stayed a few days in the hospital and and he returned home. His sisters where in the house waiting for him and they stayed with him. Hazel went as often as she could to visit him.
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" Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." (Green, 233)
This quote is from one of the nights that Augustus was pretty bad in the hospital and Hazel went to visit but they didn't let her in so she stayed in the waiting room and reflect on her relationship with Gus. She is talking about how they're little infinite is about to end and how some infinities are bigger than other like for example there are infinite numbers between 1.0 and 2.0 like 1.1, 1.2 1.3 etc. but there is a bigger infinite of numbers between 1.0 and 3.0.
"Nostalgia is a side effect of cancer." (Green, 236)
One of the days Augustus stopped by Hazel's house they sat on the backyard and witness the empty space where the old swing set was and he said he felt nostalgic about it and Hazel replied with this quote which made me feel sad because she use to say many things were a side effect of cancer at the beginning of the book but when they went to Amsterdam like all of those problems went away but now that they are back those problems are back and it made me feel sad for both of them.
I am loving the book so far and one of the reasons about that it that there are excellent quotes in almost every page and this quotes are so remarkable to the book that when i read them i instantly remember them in the movie and i didn't realise how was the movie so similar to the book. Most movies based on books they change the story and add things or take away things but i have realised that with books by John Green that's not the case this book and the movie are really similar and the best parts are represented perfectly one the movie and the quotes that make the story unique are also there. I read Paper Towns by John Green before the movie and when i saw the movie the same happened except i think that they made a better job representing The Fault in Our Stars than Paper Towns in the movie.
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