Monday, October 24, 2016

Labels, Present and Future

In the next 8 chapters there are many subjects and topics discussed by Connor like The problem he has with labels and how it bothers him how they are everywhere and you cant escape from them, Live the now and worry later, the respect he has for elders because he is just 24 and he has gone through a lot and also how they grew up and all the advances we've reach in this century, How life gets better when you grow up and even though there are more responsibilities you have more freedom and more options and you live your life how you decide because you should be the one building the path to your future and take full control of your life.

"Figuring out who we are is what life is all about" (Franta, 131)

This quote is from the chapter of labels and it start with this quote because in all the chapter his mani reason why he hates labels are that they force you to be in a group you maybe are not comfortable or they can push you so much that you start to believe it yourself and you never discover your true self because of society. And i do agree that finding out yourself is what you should be focus your whole life and is what life is about.

"We humans are complex beings; we cannot be simply categorized" (Franta, 131)

I also like this quote because humans are really complex and it is impossible for us to fit in only one category and society pretend to make us do that labeling us since we are born since we die and thats were most of the human unique part of every human drains away from them because they are not what they want is what is impose over them.

I am absolutely loving the book and the last bunch of chapters are next and i hope they will be amazing to close the book with a perfect ending that will have a message but something not to cheesy but knowing him he wouldn't. And as you can see right here these 2 amazing quotes were from the same page and that is something you dont find in every book and i like it like i mention it in the last post i am excited for the end although i dont want it to end.

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