Monday, October 24, 2016

Labels, Present and Future

In the next 8 chapters there are many subjects and topics discussed by Connor like The problem he has with labels and how it bothers him how they are everywhere and you cant escape from them, Live the now and worry later, the respect he has for elders because he is just 24 and he has gone through a lot and also how they grew up and all the advances we've reach in this century, How life gets better when you grow up and even though there are more responsibilities you have more freedom and more options and you live your life how you decide because you should be the one building the path to your future and take full control of your life.

"Figuring out who we are is what life is all about" (Franta, 131)

This quote is from the chapter of labels and it start with this quote because in all the chapter his mani reason why he hates labels are that they force you to be in a group you maybe are not comfortable or they can push you so much that you start to believe it yourself and you never discover your true self because of society. And i do agree that finding out yourself is what you should be focus your whole life and is what life is about.

"We humans are complex beings; we cannot be simply categorized" (Franta, 131)

I also like this quote because humans are really complex and it is impossible for us to fit in only one category and society pretend to make us do that labeling us since we are born since we die and thats were most of the human unique part of every human drains away from them because they are not what they want is what is impose over them.

I am absolutely loving the book and the last bunch of chapters are next and i hope they will be amazing to close the book with a perfect ending that will have a message but something not to cheesy but knowing him he wouldn't. And as you can see right here these 2 amazing quotes were from the same page and that is something you dont find in every book and i like it like i mention it in the last post i am excited for the end although i dont want it to end.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The First Job, Photography, and Coffee

In the next 12 chapters Connor Franta talks about topics like how he broke his arm, the creativity he put in his videos, how teenagers have to learn to say no to bad influences like drugs and alcohol, and my favorite chapter his addiction to coffee. As the book progresses its obvious that his personality shows more and he is not talking about his carrer anymore he is talking about his personal experiences and what he likes and what he doesn't. in the first chapters he used to talk about his experiences and phases of his life but now are just about him and things he like doing like photograph with is a very important piece in his life and if you go to his instagram you will see this and you would get what i mean by this.

"Every second seems like an eternity if someone you love is in trouble" (Franta,89)

I like this quote and it is from a time Connor was a Life guard and even though the kid that was in trouble wasn't someone he knew he still put this quote which shows what a big heart he has and how nice he is. I also put this quote because it has happened to me that when someone you care about is in trouble each minute feels like an hour and is a drowning feeling that i believe everyone experiences at one time or another.

"Sometimes that's all it takes to find meaning in what you are doing" (Franta,90)

I like this quote because it ties up with one of the quotes i put in my first post that said that we are in earth with a purpose and then the question is how do i find purpose or how i find the meaning in the things i am doing and things like the kid who needed help from Connor we get those moments that put everything in perspective and can change your point of view.

The book is great and the quotes are in pages so close because you can actually find a good quote in every single page and they are quotes with meaning they are not just there to increase the word count they really want to transfer a meaning and that is something i really appreciate from a writer because it makes each page special and with a different lesson.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Highschool, Vintage and Frienships

In the next 7 chapter he talks about different parts of his life and topics like: The Levels of Friendship, Highschool and his addiction with vintage stuff. He talked about his friends back in Minnesota and how things havent changed between them and how he will never forget were he came from, and the importance of friendship on the journey that is life. He also talked about how highschool was a weird period for him because he was still figuring out his sexuality and were he figured out he was gay and came out to his parents. The chapters are not in any specific order but it is strategically put together so its not all chronological but it does seem like it is, its weird but i like it.

"How special it is to grow up and share a history with someone" (Franta, 49)

I liked this quote a lot because i am constantly thinking about which friends am i gonna be left with when i grow up, which ones will stay forever and which ones are just gonna get lost through time and that scares me because there are many relationships that have been so strong but for a short time and there have been other ones that weren't that strong but they have been there form the beginning and of course there are the ones that have been there always and have been strong and those ones i am grateful for and i wouldn't change them for anything in the world and those are the friendships that have a special part in my heart and that i am afraid of loosing.

"Whether its the friends who have walked with you or the friends who await you in the future, the value of true friendship is golden" (Franta, 52)

This quote says that there are gonna be friends in the past that will stay with you for your whole life but there are other ones that you havent even met yet and that the value of true friendship and true friends who support you one your worst days has no value because friendships like that are hard to find.

I really liked these set of chapters but i chose both quotes to be from the friendship chapter because they were the quotes that really got to me and i really think that friendship is so important and there will be friends along your life that will be more than your actual family and those friends are keepers and i really like when celebrities talk about friendships because you would've thought that is you are famous you wouldn't be with your old friends because now you are friends with celebrities but here is an example that in could be different.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Start of a Work in Progress

       A Work in Progress is a memoir written famous 24 year old Youtuber named Connor Franta. The book has small stories about his life and his experiences is written with his humor in a funny and interesting way so when you read it you feel a real connection with the author. When you read it you can really understand Connor's personality really happy and funny guy. I do recommend that before you read the book you watch some of his videos since some of the things he talked about may seem out of place or weird if you dont have the general context. Connor begins the book by telling us about some of his memories as a child and how he is now writing a book and then he continues to talk about how weird it is to explain people that Youtube is a job. Then he talks about his hobbies like swimming and acting as a child.

When he announced his book

   "its one take, unedited, imperfect and littered with mistakes that we must repeat till we get it right" (Franta, 9)

I like this quote because he is reflecting on how Youtube videos are not real life and how life isn't perfect with jump cuts and edits and it has mistakes and there will be all the way till we die and we have to repeat them over and over till we get them right and i think that is very true and i believe exactly the same and i like to see people like his reflect on life because each time it brings a new perspective and you see life and the world differently.

"We were born to make history, thats how I like to see it" (Franta, 23)

I like this quote because it gives a meaning to life and i think that is something we need to keep in mind every single day of our lives but most of us just take life for granted but Connor is telling us that we are born for something we are put on earth with a purpose not just because .

So far im loving the book because is funny and it does look like something he would do and not something made just for money it looks like a very genuine work and something very real. Something i like about him is that although he is famous fame hasn't reach his head like other Youtubers that i used to love and respect but now that they have reach fame they have completely change but not him he is different and down to earth.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Goodbye Augustus Waters

One afternoon Hazel received a call and when she expected the worse but it was Augustus and he sounded fine which was weird since his condition was not the best. He asked Hazel to go to the support group place which was beside a church and to prepare an eulogy for him. When she arrived Isaac and Augustus were there and they both read their eulogy and left. Eight days later at 3:30 am Hazel received a call and the moment she picked up she knew. Augustus mom was sobbing through the phone and Hazel started crying. At the funeral she noticed someone familiar and when she took a closer look is was none other than Peter Van Houten. She was pissed at him and even though he tried to talk to her she refused and left. One day later she talked to Isaac and he said he was preparing something for her and even though she asked his parents if he left something or if he was working on something his parents said he was too sick to even sick so they think he didn't even wrote anything. Hazel searched and then she realised that maybe he had sent it to Van Houten and that's why he had gone to they funeral in the first place.She e-mailed his former assistance, Lidewij Vligenthart, (Since she quit the day Augustus and Hazel went to visit Peter)  for help and she searched in his e/mails and when she finally found it she told Hazel she was going to force Peter to read it. Few days past and she finally answerd, she said that even though Van Houten refused to read it at first he read it and he only said that it didn't need any changes and Lidewij sent her pictures on the document. They were 4 pages   of a eulogy for Hazel.

" You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and i'm grateful" (Green, 260)

     This is from the pre funeral from Hazel's eulogy to Augustus. The quote is one of my favourite on the whole book because their relationship was not based on time even though they didn't had all the time in the world they still managed to make it seem like forever and for them to have a forever based on feelings and not time it's so meaningful to the reader and to the characters.

"I love you present tense" (Green, 270)

    This quote is from the funeral when Hazel gets close to the coffin and said this. I love the quote because even though he is not alive anymore she still loves him and i think she will love him until she  dies because they created so many memories than most couples can create on a life time and their love went from 0 to a hundred in no time.

    I absolutely loved the book, one of the main reasons was because the love story was not super cheesy and it was real. The fact that Augustus died it was heartbreaking but if it didn't happened the book would have been too much fantasy and i liked how it ended. Now that i have finish reading this book i have officially finished all John Green's books: Paper Towns, Will Grayson Will Grayson, An Abundance of Katherines, Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bad News

     When the two of them walked away from the house behind them came Lidewij apologising about the author's behaviour and invited them to the Anne's Frank house, once they arrived it was a long way up since it was difficult for Hazel to climb the stairs and ladders with her tank. Once they arrived to the top Hazel acknowledge a lot of thing about her life and she and Augustus kissed. Hazel was still sad about Peter not giving her the answers she wanted so Augustus promised her that he would personally write an epilogue just for her. The last day after breakfast Augustus wanted to say something to Hazel so they went for a walk. When Hazel realised something was up she asked Augustus and the answer was not good. He said that while she was at the hospital before Amsterdam when her lungs had filled with water he had felt pain and he went for a check and they found tumors all over his body and it was impossible to stop them. After that they cried and then they went back home. After that she went constantly almost every day to check on Augustus who was now in a wheel chair, and they talked and Isaac was there too and most of the time they were with him. One night she got a call at 3 in the morning and she though the worse but when she picked up it was Gus, he was crying he said he was at a Gas station but something was wrong with the G tube and he needed Hazel to go. When Hazel arrived all freaked out she found Augustus in his car crying and he throw up and he was a mess but he begged Hazel not to call 911 nor his parents and asked her to check the G tube area and chat what was wrong and she found that the tube was infected and she couldn't solve that, she asked Gus why the hell he was in a gas station at 3 in the morning and he said he wanted to buy a pack of cigarets since he lost the pack in hospital. Gus begged Hazel not to call 911 or his parents but since Hazel was so scared she did called them. Gus stayed a few days in the hospital and and he returned home. His sisters where in the house waiting for him and they stayed with him. Hazel went as often as she could to visit him.


 " Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." (Green, 233)

     This quote is from one of the nights that Augustus was pretty bad in the hospital and Hazel went to visit but they didn't let her in so she stayed in the waiting room and reflect on her relationship with Gus. She is talking about how they're little infinite is about to end and how some infinities are bigger than other like for example there are infinite numbers between 1.0 and 2.0 like 1.1, 1.2 1.3 etc. but there is a bigger infinite of numbers between 1.0 and 3.0.

 "Nostalgia is a side effect of cancer." (Green, 236)

   One of the days Augustus stopped by Hazel's house they sat on the backyard and witness the empty space where the old swing set was and he said he felt nostalgic about it and Hazel replied with this quote which made me feel sad because she use to say many things were a side effect of cancer at the beginning of the book but when they went to Amsterdam like all of those problems went away but now that they are back those problems are back and it made me feel sad for both of them.

      I am loving the book so far and one of the reasons about that it that there are excellent quotes in almost every page and this quotes are so remarkable to the book that when i read them i instantly remember them in the movie and i didn't realise how was the movie so similar to the book. Most movies based on books they change the story and add things or take away things but i have realised that with books by John Green that's not the case this book and the movie are really similar and the best parts are represented perfectly one the movie and the quotes that make the story unique are also there. I read Paper Towns by John Green before the movie and when i saw the movie the same happened except i think that they made a better job representing The Fault in Our Stars than Paper Towns in the movie.

Friday, August 12, 2016


     When Hazel received the e-mail she called Augustus immediately and told him the good news, and Hazel and her family prepared for the big trip. On the plane Augustus told Hazel that he loves her and that there is nothing she can do about it. Once they arrived Augustus and Hazel went to dinner to a fancy restaurant and Peter Van Houten paid for it. The next morning they were supposed to meet Van Houten and when they arrived it was not what they expected. When the man opened the door he was drunk and shut the door in their face. Hazel and Augustus were shocked but eventually his assistance , Lidewij Vligenthart let them in. When Hazel started asking Van Houten the questions he tried to change the subject and started talking over them. Finally Hazel exploded when Peter offended her saying something about her illness, she screamed and stormed out.


" Nights like this one didn't come along often, and I wanted to remember it" (Green, 165)

     The quote if from when they were at dinner and the waiter asked if they wanted some more champagne and she said no because she didn't want to be drunk. I liked the quote because even though she has terminal cancer and she fully accepts it she still has good nights like that one and she still believes that more nights like this one will come along and she has hope.

" I could not tell if Peter Van Houten was kidding." (Green,188)

     This quote is from when Hazel was trying to ask serious questions but Peter Van Houten kept avoiding them in such mean way. The author put this quote because he wanted to let the reader know how disappointed Hazel was with her encounter with who she though was the world's most intelligent, honest and understanding person. In the quote we clearly see that Hazel was in denial of what had turned from the best day of her life to the worst.

      I am really enjoying the book it is exciting to see how they're romance continues and how they get to know parts of each other no one knew. I like John Green book's specially because they tell you things without even telling you directly. I love the way the author makes you learn new personality traits about the characters without the need of listing them or actually telling you. The book so far is great, the speed is perfect and the characters are alive which makes the tory ten times better.