So I finished the book and it was awesome. The book finished in this terms: Maura and Will #2 talked and they both apologized, Will #1 and Jane end up together, Tiny and Will #1 are now best fiend again, and finally Will #2 and Tiny we don't know how they ended their friendship but I
think they are good now but here goes why we don't know for sure. Will #2 was not sure to go to Tiny Dancer but finally he went and he made a plan to contact all Will Grayson's close or in Chicago and when the show ended all Will Grayson's told him they appreciate him including Will #1 and Will #2. There were around 8 Will Grayson's in the audience when all the Will Grayson's finished saying they appreciate Tiny Cooper, all the audience begin to tell him that. And the book ends there so i really don't know what happened with them but im pretty sure they will be good friends, but not best friends because thats Will #1 place.
When I finished the book...
"But you're one on my speed dial and I want you to stay there and I'm sorry I'm a terrible friend, too." (Green, 259)
This quote is from when Tiny and Will #1 where finally going to be best friends again. The quote just express that Will #1 didn't want to loose his best friend and he didn't want that to change even if both them have disappointed one another. I just love that at the end they ended up being best friends like at the beginning I was so afraid that it was going to end up with them fighting.
"ten-year-old boy: hey. i'm will grayson. the fourth. my dad couldn't be here, but we both appreciate you, tiny cooper" ( Levithan,308)
This is one of the people in the audience telling Tiny that they appreciate him. I know i said i was not liking Will #2 but I think that the fact that he did this shows that he is a good person. When all this thing happened at the auditorium I think how hard was for Will #2 to do this in front of the whole audience, because of what we had learned about his personality he is very quite and that but this action showed the opposite.
So finally I finished the book and I loved it specially the chapters written by John Green which were the ones of Will #1, I think that maybe I liked those chapters more because my favourite book is by him is called Paper Towns. Going back to the book I would say that everything that I wanted to happen happened like Jane and Will #1 end up together and Will #1 and Tiny being best friends again. I also loved the plot of the story I have never heard of a book like this, in my opinion the book was incredible and funny.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Fight
I feel the story is falling apart because of everything that is happening. First of all I thought Tiny and Will #1 will be getting along but it was the opposite now they don't even talk, but the other problem appears when Tiny and Will #2 get on a fight. So Tiny went to visit Will #2 on his school and when Tiny saw Maura he went to confront her about the Isaac thing, but Will #2 got angry because he would've had prefer that he would not talk to her at all.Then they went to talk about that and Will #2 ask Tiny like 7 times why Tiny is even friends with someone like him and Tiny got really mad because he asked that every time so he was so angry that he left.

Thinking of all the fights on the book.....
" I think about how much depends upon a best friend" (Green,193)'
This quote is Will #1 talking about his friendship with Tiny and I think that at this point Will #1 thinks that he don't have best fiend anymore and I am blaming Will #2 for this because it it wasn't for him everything would've been perfectly fine. I just want everything to go back to normal with Will #1 and Tiny.
"i am so mad at both of them right now" (Levithan,237)
This quote is just after Tiny went to talk to Maura and I think Will #2 is saying this because Tiny knew that Will #2 preferred not to talk to her at all, and Tiny broke that "rule". If I were Will #2 I will also be pissed at both at Tiny because he talked to Maura and with Maura because that incident like made him remember the problem with Isaac.
I am liking the book so far but I think is being more about Tiny cooper than about the Will Grayson's. I would like the book to talk more about Will #1 and Jane that storyline is my favourite and they almost not mention it at all. Thinking clearly I blame Maura for the problems between Will #1 and Tiny because if she hadn't pretended to be Isaac, Will #2 had never went to the middle of Chicago and him and Tiny would've had never met and Will #1 and Tiny's problems would not exist. I just want to make Tiny disappear so I have more content about Will #1 and Jane.
Thinking of all the fights on the book.....
" I think about how much depends upon a best friend" (Green,193)'
This quote is Will #1 talking about his friendship with Tiny and I think that at this point Will #1 thinks that he don't have best fiend anymore and I am blaming Will #2 for this because it it wasn't for him everything would've been perfectly fine. I just want everything to go back to normal with Will #1 and Tiny.
"i am so mad at both of them right now" (Levithan,237)
This quote is just after Tiny went to talk to Maura and I think Will #2 is saying this because Tiny knew that Will #2 preferred not to talk to her at all, and Tiny broke that "rule". If I were Will #2 I will also be pissed at both at Tiny because he talked to Maura and with Maura because that incident like made him remember the problem with Isaac.
I am liking the book so far but I think is being more about Tiny cooper than about the Will Grayson's. I would like the book to talk more about Will #1 and Jane that storyline is my favourite and they almost not mention it at all. Thinking clearly I blame Maura for the problems between Will #1 and Tiny because if she hadn't pretended to be Isaac, Will #2 had never went to the middle of Chicago and him and Tiny would've had never met and Will #1 and Tiny's problems would not exist. I just want to make Tiny disappear so I have more content about Will #1 and Jane.
Tiny, Jane and two Will's
At this part of the story both lives start to connect, Tiny and Will #2 are getting closer because of the Isaac incident, and finally Will #1 and Jane admit that they have a crush for each other. Tiny and Will #2 are trying to see each other more often but is hard because of the distance and because this new project that Tiny is working on, its a musical called Tiny Dancer about his life and his friends. While Will #1 and Jane had they're first kiss and it was so cute, but now they don't know hoe to tell Tiny without being awkward . The sad part of all this is that the friendship between Will #1 and Tiny has change a lot because Tiny talks more with Will #2 than with his best friend also now they fight very often about everything.
When Jane and Will #1 Kissed...
"She's cute and she's really smart in precisely the right slightly pretentious way, and there's a softness to her face that sharpens everything she says, and I like her, and it's not just that I should be honest with her; I want to." (Green, 131)
The quote is just showing how much Will #1 likes Jane and the quote is just before the moment where they tell each other the truth about their feelings. I think the quote is important because all the way from the beginning to now Will #1 has been denying his feeling for Jane but finally saying this he is being true tu himself.
"i have this deep pang of jealousy, that o.w.g has a friend like tiny." (Leviathan, 151)
This quote if from when Will #2 and Tiny are getting to know each other. The quote I think it shows the fact that Will #2 has never had a real friend because he thought his best friend was Isaac and that he finally found one but Isaac doesn't exist. Will #2 calls Will #1 o.w.g that means other.will.grayson.
Im curious of what would happened if Tiny finds out about Will #1 and Jane, I want to see how he would react. Also I want to see how Tiny Dancer turns out because I had read something about that at the beginning of the book but I didn't mention it because of 2 reasons the first one is that i really didn't thought it was important (but it turns out it is) and second is that at that point I didn't understand the book that well. I wish the relationship between Jane and Will #1 continues because I love the idea to make them be together, and if Will #1 and Tiny are not gonna fix things or get on a major fight i swear i will die.
When Jane and Will #1 Kissed...
"She's cute and she's really smart in precisely the right slightly pretentious way, and there's a softness to her face that sharpens everything she says, and I like her, and it's not just that I should be honest with her; I want to." (Green, 131)
The quote is just showing how much Will #1 likes Jane and the quote is just before the moment where they tell each other the truth about their feelings. I think the quote is important because all the way from the beginning to now Will #1 has been denying his feeling for Jane but finally saying this he is being true tu himself.
"i have this deep pang of jealousy, that o.w.g has a friend like tiny." (Leviathan, 151)
This quote if from when Will #2 and Tiny are getting to know each other. The quote I think it shows the fact that Will #2 has never had a real friend because he thought his best friend was Isaac and that he finally found one but Isaac doesn't exist. Will #2 calls Will #1 o.w.g that means other.will.grayson.
Im curious of what would happened if Tiny finds out about Will #1 and Jane, I want to see how he would react. Also I want to see how Tiny Dancer turns out because I had read something about that at the beginning of the book but I didn't mention it because of 2 reasons the first one is that i really didn't thought it was important (but it turns out it is) and second is that at that point I didn't understand the book that well. I wish the relationship between Jane and Will #1 continues because I love the idea to make them be together, and if Will #1 and Tiny are not gonna fix things or get on a major fight i swear i will die.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
In this part of the book is where it got really interesting because Isaac and Will #2 where going to finally meet so they decided to meet in a coffee shop in the middle of Chicago. While the same day Will #1, Jane and Tiny went to a concert on the middle of Chicago too. When Will #2 arrived Isaac hadn't showed up yet so he waited. On the other hand Will #1 and his friends went to the concert but they needed a fake ID to get in but Will #1 didn't had one so he stayed outside, because he was cold and hungry he enter to the same coffee shop Will #2 had enter! Will #1 order something to go and when his name was called Will #2 thought someone was calling his name so he went to the counter to ask why they called his name and the cashier told him he wasn't calling him and he pointed Will #1. So then Will #2 asked Will #1 name and they both realised they are called Will Grayson. Both had to wait, Will #1 for the concert to end and Will #2 for Isaac to arrive, so they talked. Time passed and Will #2 got a call for Maura and here is the part were all got messed up because it turns out Maura was playing to be Isaac to got closer Will #2! Will #2 was obviously so sad and shocked and angry so Will #1 tried to calm him down, when his friends arrived fortunately Tiny was able to calm down Will #2 by making him feel like Tiny could be his next good and real friend, and so they started to bond. Also at this part of the book Will #1 was having a crush for Jane!
That was actually my face when they met and when Maura told Will #2 that she was Isaac.
"The kid looks at me for a second, his head turned like he thinks I might putting him on, and the finally he says, "Because I am also Will Grayson."" ( Green, 110)
This is maybe the best quote because it is so exciting to see how Will #1 sees the situation and how he reacts. Finally they met and its so real and the quote its the climax of all the purpose of the story that was that they meet and that i think that they will be able to help each other im their problems.
"i hang up before she can say anything else. i switch off the phone. i sit down on the curb. i close my eyes. and i scream. if my whole world is going to crash down around me, then i am going to make the sound of the crashing. i want to scream until all my bones break." ( Levithan, 122)
I would say this quote is one of the saddest quote I have read on the book so far because its so sad that Will #2 told everything to this character Isaac that he truly believed was real and the saddest part is that it turn out to be someone that he didn't even like to much. It is so cruel of Maura to have done that because of all of the excitement that Will #2 had when he thought he was finally going to meet his true best friend and also it was so cruel to make Will #2 go all the way to the middle of Chicago at night for nothing. So the quote is just showing how devastating was for Will #2 to realise that his possible new best friend dosent exist and its his not friend Maura.
This part was what all the book was about and im happy that it was shown in a special way. The Isaac incident was really sad and im hating Maura so much. So far the book is great and most important for me is real because although the Isaac thing is horrible i would've been disappointed if Isaac was perfect and all that because most of the times things don't work out so im happy that John Green and David Levithan made it real.
That was actually my face when they met and when Maura told Will #2 that she was Isaac.
"The kid looks at me for a second, his head turned like he thinks I might putting him on, and the finally he says, "Because I am also Will Grayson."" ( Green, 110)
This is maybe the best quote because it is so exciting to see how Will #1 sees the situation and how he reacts. Finally they met and its so real and the quote its the climax of all the purpose of the story that was that they meet and that i think that they will be able to help each other im their problems.
"i hang up before she can say anything else. i switch off the phone. i sit down on the curb. i close my eyes. and i scream. if my whole world is going to crash down around me, then i am going to make the sound of the crashing. i want to scream until all my bones break." ( Levithan, 122)
I would say this quote is one of the saddest quote I have read on the book so far because its so sad that Will #2 told everything to this character Isaac that he truly believed was real and the saddest part is that it turn out to be someone that he didn't even like to much. It is so cruel of Maura to have done that because of all of the excitement that Will #2 had when he thought he was finally going to meet his true best friend and also it was so cruel to make Will #2 go all the way to the middle of Chicago at night for nothing. So the quote is just showing how devastating was for Will #2 to realise that his possible new best friend dosent exist and its his not friend Maura.
This part was what all the book was about and im happy that it was shown in a special way. The Isaac incident was really sad and im hating Maura so much. So far the book is great and most important for me is real because although the Isaac thing is horrible i would've been disappointed if Isaac was perfect and all that because most of the times things don't work out so im happy that John Green and David Levithan made it real.
Will #1 & Will #2
This book written by John Green and David Levithan is a story about two teenagers both called Will Grayson. The book is a quite intense but its pretty funny. It is written in a way that one chapter is telling the point of view of one Will Grayson and the other chapter is telling the point of view of the other Will Grayson. The book starts showing the life of the Will Grayson that lives in Chicago and his best friend is Tiny Cooper. Besides Tiny, Will has more friends like Jane, Gary and Nick. For now on I'll call this Will Grayson , Will #1 so we don't get confused. Moving to the other Will Grayson,who will be called Will #2, also lives in Chicago but at the opposite side. His friends are Simon, Maura and Derek but Will found a best friend online, his name is Isaac and he lives in Orlando. The thing with Isaac is that he and Will haven't really met in person. So the first part of the book is just an introduction to the characters and a look at their lives.
This is a close reaction you'll get if you read the book because its really confusing at first but you want to know if they will meet.
"Follow two very simple rules: 1.Don't care too much. 2. Shut up." (Green, 5)
This is a quote from the chapter of Will#1 explaining he has never cry since he was 7 and he avoids problems by following those rules. I think that in this quote his personality is expressed because he just avoids everything therefore he doesn't confront his problems and its not good for him. I also think there is going to be a point in his life which the rules won't work anymore.
"she got her answer, but it didn't exactly inspire trust. " (Levithan, 61)
This quote if from Will#2's chapter talking about his friend Maura who always get a way to get answers by putting you really uncomfortable by asking a lot of questions. You can see that the friendship between them it's not real. Will #2 doesn't trust Maura and I believe he doesn't even think of her as a true friend maybe not even as a friend.
I realised the chapters of Will #1 were written by John Green and the chapters of Will#2 by David Levithan, I saw this in a video of John Green talking about the book and with that information it all had more sense. The fact that is written by 2 different people and in 2 different styles, make the book more real, and there are 2 completely different ways to express the story. An example of that are the chapters written by John Green follow's the capitalisation and punctuation rules, while the chapters by David Levithan don't use them. He won't even use them when starting a name nor starting a new sentence.
"she got her answer, but it didn't exactly inspire trust. " (Levithan, 61)
This quote if from Will#2's chapter talking about his friend Maura who always get a way to get answers by putting you really uncomfortable by asking a lot of questions. You can see that the friendship between them it's not real. Will #2 doesn't trust Maura and I believe he doesn't even think of her as a true friend maybe not even as a friend.
I realised the chapters of Will #1 were written by John Green and the chapters of Will#2 by David Levithan, I saw this in a video of John Green talking about the book and with that information it all had more sense. The fact that is written by 2 different people and in 2 different styles, make the book more real, and there are 2 completely different ways to express the story. An example of that are the chapters written by John Green follow's the capitalisation and punctuation rules, while the chapters by David Levithan don't use them. He won't even use them when starting a name nor starting a new sentence.
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