Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Fight

      I feel the story is falling apart because of everything that is happening. First of all I thought Tiny and Will #1 will be getting along but it was the opposite now they don't even talk, but the other problem appears when Tiny and Will #2 get on a fight. So Tiny went to visit Will #2 on his school and when Tiny saw Maura he went to confront her about the Isaac thing, but Will #2 got angry because he would've had prefer that he would not talk to her at all.Then they went to talk about that and Will #2 ask Tiny like 7 times why Tiny is even friends with someone like him and Tiny got really mad because he asked that every time so he was so angry that he left.

Thinking of all the fights on the book.....

       " I think about how much depends upon a best friend" (Green,193)'
       This quote is Will #1 talking about his friendship with Tiny and I think that at this point Will #1 thinks that he don't have best fiend anymore and I am blaming Will #2 for this because it it wasn't for him everything would've been perfectly fine. I just want everything to go back to normal with Will #1  and Tiny.

       "i am so mad at both of them right now" (Levithan,237)

       This quote is just after Tiny went to talk to Maura and I think Will #2 is saying this because Tiny knew that Will #2 preferred not to talk to her at all, and Tiny broke that "rule". If I were Will #2 I will also be pissed at both at Tiny because he talked to Maura and with Maura because that incident like made him remember the problem with Isaac.

       I am liking the book so far but I think is being more about Tiny cooper than about the Will Grayson's. I would like the book to talk more about Will #1 and Jane that storyline is my favourite and they almost not mention it at all. Thinking clearly I blame Maura for the problems between Will #1 and Tiny because if she hadn't pretended to be Isaac, Will #2 had never went to the middle of Chicago and him and Tiny would've had never met and Will #1 and Tiny's problems would not exist. I just want to make Tiny disappear so I have more content about Will #1 and Jane.

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