Monday, October 24, 2016

Labels, Present and Future

In the next 8 chapters there are many subjects and topics discussed by Connor like The problem he has with labels and how it bothers him how they are everywhere and you cant escape from them, Live the now and worry later, the respect he has for elders because he is just 24 and he has gone through a lot and also how they grew up and all the advances we've reach in this century, How life gets better when you grow up and even though there are more responsibilities you have more freedom and more options and you live your life how you decide because you should be the one building the path to your future and take full control of your life.

"Figuring out who we are is what life is all about" (Franta, 131)

This quote is from the chapter of labels and it start with this quote because in all the chapter his mani reason why he hates labels are that they force you to be in a group you maybe are not comfortable or they can push you so much that you start to believe it yourself and you never discover your true self because of society. And i do agree that finding out yourself is what you should be focus your whole life and is what life is about.

"We humans are complex beings; we cannot be simply categorized" (Franta, 131)

I also like this quote because humans are really complex and it is impossible for us to fit in only one category and society pretend to make us do that labeling us since we are born since we die and thats were most of the human unique part of every human drains away from them because they are not what they want is what is impose over them.

I am absolutely loving the book and the last bunch of chapters are next and i hope they will be amazing to close the book with a perfect ending that will have a message but something not to cheesy but knowing him he wouldn't. And as you can see right here these 2 amazing quotes were from the same page and that is something you dont find in every book and i like it like i mention it in the last post i am excited for the end although i dont want it to end.

Friday, October 21, 2016

The First Job, Photography, and Coffee

In the next 12 chapters Connor Franta talks about topics like how he broke his arm, the creativity he put in his videos, how teenagers have to learn to say no to bad influences like drugs and alcohol, and my favorite chapter his addiction to coffee. As the book progresses its obvious that his personality shows more and he is not talking about his carrer anymore he is talking about his personal experiences and what he likes and what he doesn't. in the first chapters he used to talk about his experiences and phases of his life but now are just about him and things he like doing like photograph with is a very important piece in his life and if you go to his instagram you will see this and you would get what i mean by this.

"Every second seems like an eternity if someone you love is in trouble" (Franta,89)

I like this quote and it is from a time Connor was a Life guard and even though the kid that was in trouble wasn't someone he knew he still put this quote which shows what a big heart he has and how nice he is. I also put this quote because it has happened to me that when someone you care about is in trouble each minute feels like an hour and is a drowning feeling that i believe everyone experiences at one time or another.

"Sometimes that's all it takes to find meaning in what you are doing" (Franta,90)

I like this quote because it ties up with one of the quotes i put in my first post that said that we are in earth with a purpose and then the question is how do i find purpose or how i find the meaning in the things i am doing and things like the kid who needed help from Connor we get those moments that put everything in perspective and can change your point of view.

The book is great and the quotes are in pages so close because you can actually find a good quote in every single page and they are quotes with meaning they are not just there to increase the word count they really want to transfer a meaning and that is something i really appreciate from a writer because it makes each page special and with a different lesson.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Highschool, Vintage and Frienships

In the next 7 chapter he talks about different parts of his life and topics like: The Levels of Friendship, Highschool and his addiction with vintage stuff. He talked about his friends back in Minnesota and how things havent changed between them and how he will never forget were he came from, and the importance of friendship on the journey that is life. He also talked about how highschool was a weird period for him because he was still figuring out his sexuality and were he figured out he was gay and came out to his parents. The chapters are not in any specific order but it is strategically put together so its not all chronological but it does seem like it is, its weird but i like it.

"How special it is to grow up and share a history with someone" (Franta, 49)

I liked this quote a lot because i am constantly thinking about which friends am i gonna be left with when i grow up, which ones will stay forever and which ones are just gonna get lost through time and that scares me because there are many relationships that have been so strong but for a short time and there have been other ones that weren't that strong but they have been there form the beginning and of course there are the ones that have been there always and have been strong and those ones i am grateful for and i wouldn't change them for anything in the world and those are the friendships that have a special part in my heart and that i am afraid of loosing.

"Whether its the friends who have walked with you or the friends who await you in the future, the value of true friendship is golden" (Franta, 52)

This quote says that there are gonna be friends in the past that will stay with you for your whole life but there are other ones that you havent even met yet and that the value of true friendship and true friends who support you one your worst days has no value because friendships like that are hard to find.

I really liked these set of chapters but i chose both quotes to be from the friendship chapter because they were the quotes that really got to me and i really think that friendship is so important and there will be friends along your life that will be more than your actual family and those friends are keepers and i really like when celebrities talk about friendships because you would've thought that is you are famous you wouldn't be with your old friends because now you are friends with celebrities but here is an example that in could be different.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Start of a Work in Progress

       A Work in Progress is a memoir written famous 24 year old Youtuber named Connor Franta. The book has small stories about his life and his experiences is written with his humor in a funny and interesting way so when you read it you feel a real connection with the author. When you read it you can really understand Connor's personality really happy and funny guy. I do recommend that before you read the book you watch some of his videos since some of the things he talked about may seem out of place or weird if you dont have the general context. Connor begins the book by telling us about some of his memories as a child and how he is now writing a book and then he continues to talk about how weird it is to explain people that Youtube is a job. Then he talks about his hobbies like swimming and acting as a child.

When he announced his book

   "its one take, unedited, imperfect and littered with mistakes that we must repeat till we get it right" (Franta, 9)

I like this quote because he is reflecting on how Youtube videos are not real life and how life isn't perfect with jump cuts and edits and it has mistakes and there will be all the way till we die and we have to repeat them over and over till we get them right and i think that is very true and i believe exactly the same and i like to see people like his reflect on life because each time it brings a new perspective and you see life and the world differently.

"We were born to make history, thats how I like to see it" (Franta, 23)

I like this quote because it gives a meaning to life and i think that is something we need to keep in mind every single day of our lives but most of us just take life for granted but Connor is telling us that we are born for something we are put on earth with a purpose not just because .

So far im loving the book because is funny and it does look like something he would do and not something made just for money it looks like a very genuine work and something very real. Something i like about him is that although he is famous fame hasn't reach his head like other Youtubers that i used to love and respect but now that they have reach fame they have completely change but not him he is different and down to earth.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Goodbye Augustus Waters

One afternoon Hazel received a call and when she expected the worse but it was Augustus and he sounded fine which was weird since his condition was not the best. He asked Hazel to go to the support group place which was beside a church and to prepare an eulogy for him. When she arrived Isaac and Augustus were there and they both read their eulogy and left. Eight days later at 3:30 am Hazel received a call and the moment she picked up she knew. Augustus mom was sobbing through the phone and Hazel started crying. At the funeral she noticed someone familiar and when she took a closer look is was none other than Peter Van Houten. She was pissed at him and even though he tried to talk to her she refused and left. One day later she talked to Isaac and he said he was preparing something for her and even though she asked his parents if he left something or if he was working on something his parents said he was too sick to even sick so they think he didn't even wrote anything. Hazel searched and then she realised that maybe he had sent it to Van Houten and that's why he had gone to they funeral in the first place.She e-mailed his former assistance, Lidewij Vligenthart, (Since she quit the day Augustus and Hazel went to visit Peter)  for help and she searched in his e/mails and when she finally found it she told Hazel she was going to force Peter to read it. Few days past and she finally answerd, she said that even though Van Houten refused to read it at first he read it and he only said that it didn't need any changes and Lidewij sent her pictures on the document. They were 4 pages   of a eulogy for Hazel.

" You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and i'm grateful" (Green, 260)

     This is from the pre funeral from Hazel's eulogy to Augustus. The quote is one of my favourite on the whole book because their relationship was not based on time even though they didn't had all the time in the world they still managed to make it seem like forever and for them to have a forever based on feelings and not time it's so meaningful to the reader and to the characters.

"I love you present tense" (Green, 270)

    This quote is from the funeral when Hazel gets close to the coffin and said this. I love the quote because even though he is not alive anymore she still loves him and i think she will love him until she  dies because they created so many memories than most couples can create on a life time and their love went from 0 to a hundred in no time.

    I absolutely loved the book, one of the main reasons was because the love story was not super cheesy and it was real. The fact that Augustus died it was heartbreaking but if it didn't happened the book would have been too much fantasy and i liked how it ended. Now that i have finish reading this book i have officially finished all John Green's books: Paper Towns, Will Grayson Will Grayson, An Abundance of Katherines, Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bad News

     When the two of them walked away from the house behind them came Lidewij apologising about the author's behaviour and invited them to the Anne's Frank house, once they arrived it was a long way up since it was difficult for Hazel to climb the stairs and ladders with her tank. Once they arrived to the top Hazel acknowledge a lot of thing about her life and she and Augustus kissed. Hazel was still sad about Peter not giving her the answers she wanted so Augustus promised her that he would personally write an epilogue just for her. The last day after breakfast Augustus wanted to say something to Hazel so they went for a walk. When Hazel realised something was up she asked Augustus and the answer was not good. He said that while she was at the hospital before Amsterdam when her lungs had filled with water he had felt pain and he went for a check and they found tumors all over his body and it was impossible to stop them. After that they cried and then they went back home. After that she went constantly almost every day to check on Augustus who was now in a wheel chair, and they talked and Isaac was there too and most of the time they were with him. One night she got a call at 3 in the morning and she though the worse but when she picked up it was Gus, he was crying he said he was at a Gas station but something was wrong with the G tube and he needed Hazel to go. When Hazel arrived all freaked out she found Augustus in his car crying and he throw up and he was a mess but he begged Hazel not to call 911 nor his parents and asked her to check the G tube area and chat what was wrong and she found that the tube was infected and she couldn't solve that, she asked Gus why the hell he was in a gas station at 3 in the morning and he said he wanted to buy a pack of cigarets since he lost the pack in hospital. Gus begged Hazel not to call 911 or his parents but since Hazel was so scared she did called them. Gus stayed a few days in the hospital and and he returned home. His sisters where in the house waiting for him and they stayed with him. Hazel went as often as she could to visit him.


 " Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." (Green, 233)

     This quote is from one of the nights that Augustus was pretty bad in the hospital and Hazel went to visit but they didn't let her in so she stayed in the waiting room and reflect on her relationship with Gus. She is talking about how they're little infinite is about to end and how some infinities are bigger than other like for example there are infinite numbers between 1.0 and 2.0 like 1.1, 1.2 1.3 etc. but there is a bigger infinite of numbers between 1.0 and 3.0.

 "Nostalgia is a side effect of cancer." (Green, 236)

   One of the days Augustus stopped by Hazel's house they sat on the backyard and witness the empty space where the old swing set was and he said he felt nostalgic about it and Hazel replied with this quote which made me feel sad because she use to say many things were a side effect of cancer at the beginning of the book but when they went to Amsterdam like all of those problems went away but now that they are back those problems are back and it made me feel sad for both of them.

      I am loving the book so far and one of the reasons about that it that there are excellent quotes in almost every page and this quotes are so remarkable to the book that when i read them i instantly remember them in the movie and i didn't realise how was the movie so similar to the book. Most movies based on books they change the story and add things or take away things but i have realised that with books by John Green that's not the case this book and the movie are really similar and the best parts are represented perfectly one the movie and the quotes that make the story unique are also there. I read Paper Towns by John Green before the movie and when i saw the movie the same happened except i think that they made a better job representing The Fault in Our Stars than Paper Towns in the movie.

Friday, August 12, 2016


     When Hazel received the e-mail she called Augustus immediately and told him the good news, and Hazel and her family prepared for the big trip. On the plane Augustus told Hazel that he loves her and that there is nothing she can do about it. Once they arrived Augustus and Hazel went to dinner to a fancy restaurant and Peter Van Houten paid for it. The next morning they were supposed to meet Van Houten and when they arrived it was not what they expected. When the man opened the door he was drunk and shut the door in their face. Hazel and Augustus were shocked but eventually his assistance , Lidewij Vligenthart let them in. When Hazel started asking Van Houten the questions he tried to change the subject and started talking over them. Finally Hazel exploded when Peter offended her saying something about her illness, she screamed and stormed out.


" Nights like this one didn't come along often, and I wanted to remember it" (Green, 165)

     The quote if from when they were at dinner and the waiter asked if they wanted some more champagne and she said no because she didn't want to be drunk. I liked the quote because even though she has terminal cancer and she fully accepts it she still has good nights like that one and she still believes that more nights like this one will come along and she has hope.

" I could not tell if Peter Van Houten was kidding." (Green,188)

     This quote is from when Hazel was trying to ask serious questions but Peter Van Houten kept avoiding them in such mean way. The author put this quote because he wanted to let the reader know how disappointed Hazel was with her encounter with who she though was the world's most intelligent, honest and understanding person. In the quote we clearly see that Hazel was in denial of what had turned from the best day of her life to the worst.

      I am really enjoying the book it is exciting to see how they're romance continues and how they get to know parts of each other no one knew. I like John Green book's specially because they tell you things without even telling you directly. I love the way the author makes you learn new personality traits about the characters without the need of listing them or actually telling you. The book so far is great, the speed is perfect and the characters are alive which makes the tory ten times better.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


    After the Isaac breakdown in Augustus house Hazel went home and waited for Augustus to call her. One night he called during dinner and when Hazel answered she found out that Augustus had sent an e-mail to Peter Van Houten's assistant and she replied so he read it out to her and she couldn't believe it. Hazel eventually sent an e-mail herself asking for some answers. After some days he texted her saying that Isaac had the surgery and that he will be out in a few days. Hazel went to visit Isaac and he talked about how his breakup with Monica matters more than he being blind and then she left. Four days past after Hazel received a response from Peter and the e-mail said that he couldn't answers via e-mail nor de phone, the only way he would get the answers was in person. The only problem with that was that he lived in Amsterdam. Hazel told Augustus the news and he asked her if she still had her Wish from The Genie Foundation but she had used it when she was 13 to go to Disney World. The next day Hazel went to the market with her parent and when she got home Augustus was waiting in the doorstep with some orange flowers, he asked her if she wanted to go to a picnic and she agreed. In the picnic Augustus revealed the hole reason he took her to a picnic, he was going to share his Wish with Hazel since he hadn't use his. He wanted to go to Amsterdam with her and The Genie Foundation was going to make sure Hazel had all the supplies to be safe. She told her mom and she was going to talk to Dr. Maria to make sure it was ok to take Hazel. Days past and one night Hazel was in pain so she screamed and her parents rushed her to the hospital, luckily the tumor hadn't grown and there were no new tumors but her lungs were filled with liquid. She was fine after that but in the next Cancer Team Meeting there was a debate whether or not she was going and after a few days she received a e-mail from Van Houten assistance confirming she will arrive the 4th of May.



                                                                                     "Maybe okay will be our always" (Green,73)

  This quote is from when Augustus and Hazel were talking on the phone and before hanging up the kept saying "okay" and Monica and Isaac kept saying "always" every time they saw each other and it was the thing Isaac missed the most. So this quote said by Augustus means a lot to the story to the couple since it's a word repeated over and over and it is so powerful in a way i can't explain it's like their thing.

“I'm like. Like. I'm like a grenade, Mom. I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?” (Green, 99)

     The quote stand up to me because as Hazel said this to her parents the author made sure we felt connected to Hazel and feel bad because she really thinks that the people she builds relationships are gonna get hurt when she dies and she feels responsible for saving those people from suffering when she is gone. 

     The book is amazing so far there are not so many books that I'm so hooked up to keep reading even though i already got to my goal, but this one is like that. I fell in love with the characters and even though i have seen the movie while i red it i try to forget about the movie and the actors because in the book there is so much more detail, scenes, and characters that aren't in the movie. For example in the book Hazel has a friend named Kaitlyn and the scene of the hospital were Hazel goes to see Isaac isn't in the movie either and the book like always is way better. The book is awesome I love it like most of all John Green's books.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

An Imperial Affliction

     The Fault in Our Stars is a book written by John Green about a 16 year old girl who suffers from terminal lung cancer named Hazel Grace Lancaster. She lives with her parents which suggest she is depressed since she doesn't live the house and read the same book over and over again, An Imperial Affliction. Her doctor suggested her to go to a support group where she met Isaac a guy with eye cancer who had a glass eye and a real one but it will be eventually removed in surgery he also had a girlfriend named Monica, she also meets Augustus Waters a 18 year old who lost part of his leg due to his osteosarcoma and have a prosthetic instead. In the support group Augustus revealed his fear is oblivion, he fears he would not leave a mark. Eventually Augustus and Hazel became friends and they made a deal to read each other's favourite book which Hazel chose , An Imperial Affliction, and he picked ,The Price of Dawn. An Imperial Affliction was a book written by Peter Van Houten about a girl with cancer and Hazel loved the book because it didn't sugar coded was cancer is really like, but the book ended in the middle of a sentence and that was so frustrating but also it represented that life ends just like that. One day she got a call from Augustus saying that he had finished the book and he was annoyed that the book ended just like that but he also asked Hazel if she can go to his place since Monica just dumped Isaac and he is having a crisis, so she went and Isaac was just devastated over the break up.

"It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." (Green, 20)

    This quote is from when Augustus and Hazel are outside the support group and he put a cigarette in his mouth and Hazel says how it's gross and how she is against it when Augustus stopped her and explain that it's just a metaphor. I think that the quote explains that there are many things in the world that have the potential to kill you but if you don't give them the power to do it they can't.

"Pain demands to be felt" (Green, 57)

   This quote is from when Hazel arrives to Augustus house and Isaac is all over the place breaking stuff and Hazel makes a comment saying how she gets why he is so upset and then Augustus replies with this. This quote even though it so short it has more than one meaning behind it. First of all this is quote was taken out of the book Hazel loves so much so he quoted Peter Van Houten and thats why it has so much meaning to the reader and most of all Hazel. It also means that even though pain hurts we have to feel it in order to know how it feels to be happy.

     So far the book is really good, I have read most of John Green books and most of them star slow, he usually uses like the 3 first chapters so introduce characters and give back story but this book moves fast. I appreciate that on books because sometimes it gets boring but when it moves fast like this they give you new information along the way.  I like the story line and the characters have their own personality and it's nice to read books that show the reader traits about the characters without actually saying them. I am really excited to continue reading.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

19 Katherine's and One Lindsey

Lindsey is confused because she is not feeling sad about the breakup with TOC and she is just accepting it. Hassan, Colin and Lindsey went to Memphis to discover the reason why Hollis has been being so weird lately and going out a lot and they found out that the factory is in bankrupt but Hollis doesn't want to fire any of the people that work at the factory so she is selling land to sustain all the jobs which is very nice of her. Lindsey had mixed feeling she was happy because her mom was doing something amazing for people of Gutshot  but she was like feeling down because she was confuse with her emotions so then she went to her secret place. She lied to Hollis telling her she was going to sleep in a friends house but Colin knew were she was so he went to the secret place and they talked about how she didn't missed TOC at all and then he told her the full Katherine timeline and he felt relief after. Then they ended up together and it was amazing. Also Hassan applied for college so Colin was proud of him. The theorem was complete so Colin tried to see how his relationship with Lindsey could turn out and it said she would dump him in the 4th day of their relationship which turn out to not be true and Colin was happy because they were still together but sad because something was wrong with the formula. He had his second eureka moment by concluding by saying that the formula was not gonna be always right because future is unpredictable.


     "That's why those tapes we made are going toe so great one day, because they'll stories that time has swallowed up or distorted or whatever" (Green,202)

     The quote was about the tapes they record when they do jobs for Hollis, the tapes are about the people that live in Gutshot and they ended talking about this because Colin said that it doesn't matter because everyone will die and forget you and even people like Einstein will be forgotten and that time swallows every person every achievement but the last thing that will desapear are memories.

"And the moral of the story is that you don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened." (Green,208)

    When Colin finished his Katherine timeline he ended it with this statement which seems very interesting to me because it makes you really think a lot back of small things that maybe didn't actually really happened the way you remember but what you remember became what happened for you, I know it might be a little confusing but if you really think about it deeply it makes lots of sense.

      I finished the book and i did like like it is not one of my top 5 favourite but it was good. I really liked the last part of the book in which the author explains every part of the formula which was interesting because it is presented in notes and you feel like you are reading Colin's notes and it was a nice touch. The book ended good because i wanted Lindsey and Colin together but I was sad that the Hassan and Katrina thing didn't work out. I would recommend the book to people that really like math. One of my favourite thing about the whole book was at the end when he tells the hole Katherine timeline because he only talked about 3 Katherine's on the hole book and the other 16 weren't mention and they were just a number but when he talked about all of them we put a face to the number so it was amazing. Even though this book wasn't one of my favourites i still love John Green writing.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pigs, Bees And A Fight

     The group went hunting after Lindsey taught Colin how to shoot properly. Hassan a Colin had an encounter with one of the pigs they were going to hunt and when it was about to attack them colin shot it but he didn't aim the pig he aim a tree that had bees and they were running for like 10 minuetes away from them but eventually the could run  away and when they were going back to the civilisation they recognise TOC and Katrina who was Hassan's new girlfriend kissing. Colin and Hassan approach them and TOC tried to explain but couldn't put an excuse so he just admitted that this has been going on for a while. Hassan immediately broke up with her. Colin was feeling bad for Lindsey when TOC told him that he shouldn't said anything to Lindsey or he will get hurt and when he was saying all these he started recording him. Then Lindsey, JATT and SOCT arrived with drinks and everything seemed good but then Colin couldn't handle it anymore and he played the recording of the confession and Lindsey just went away and TOC try to make her stay and grabbed her so she started screaming and JATT told TOC to let her go but he didn't so JATT went to kick him but TOC hit first and JATT was left on the floor but then Hass and Colin went to help but TOC hit first again and they were all down the Lindsey kicked TOC and he was on the floor. Lindsey went to help his friends and he whispered in "My Hero" to Colin.

"Colin had to figure out what had gone wrong inside his brain, and fix it. He returned to the central question : how could he have completely forgotten dumping her?" (Green, 166)
     Colin wasn't working on the theorem that much in this part of the book but in the small time that he was we learned a gigantic thing from Colin's past that he even forgot. He had dumped K3 and he didn't remember, when he was working on the theorem it worked for 18 katherines except for K3 and so then he didn't remember how it ended so then he called her and she told him that he was the one who dumped her. This quote really makes me think that he has the mentality that he is the dumpee but maybe he is not always the dumpee like right know. He used to believe he was 100% dumpee which is not longer true.

"She's my friend. And if I were in her position, I'd expect her to tell me" (Green,174)

     The quote is from when TOC told them to keep their mouths shut or they will regret it. I like how Colin cares about Lindsey and he looks at her as a friend but I do think that part of the reason why he showed Lindsey the recording was because he is falling for her and he wanted to end their relationship although it was also because he wanted to make the right thing and the best part was that he didn't even care that TOC was going to hit him he just wanted to do the right thing.

     The book is fantastic it has every part of a John Green book that I love it has action, drama and love. It was weird at first that the book wasn't read in the point of view of the main character but now I am starting to like it. In this part of the book the theorem wasn't really talked about excepted for that one part so it makes me a little bit worried since the book is so close to an end and i just want to get a solid formula that works and that proves Colin's theory. I am excited to see what happens between Lindsey and Colin after this and if they will be together at the end or not i would absolutely love that.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Theorem Continues

     Living on the mansion was good and their only job was going to ask people questions that Hollis wanted them to ask.Lindsey taught Colin how to tell a proper a story. He called Katherine 19th to tell her that he loves her but it didn't went well and she just said that the decision taken was good and that he shouldn't call her more and then he started crying. Then Hassan went out with TOC, Lindsey and their friends to a taco place while Colin stayed home working on the theorem and the Hassan arrived he told him very exciting news. He had kissed Katrina (Friend of TOC and Lindsey) but Colin went crazy out of nowhere so they had a big fight and they didn't talk for a day until they talked about everything and Colin was mad because Hassan called TOC Colin while telling the story but at the end both said they are sorry and were best friends again. Then Lindsey and Colin were driving and she told him that she wanted to participate on the theorem with him and he accepted and so the theory started making sense since they added more variables to the formula like age, popularity, looks etc. The next day the went to the store and TOC invited Hassan and Colin to hunt with him Lindsey and his friends on the woods and they accepted. That night Hassan had a date with Katrina so Lindsey and Colin went to dinner together and then Lindsey wanted to show Colin how to shoot because she didn't want him to look bad on the weekend.
 "My theorem will tell the story. Each graph with a beginning and a middle and an end"(Green, 95)

      This quote is from when Lindsey was teaching Colin how to tell his stories so the listener would be interested she said his stories didn't had a plot and and there needs to be adventure and romance things that his stories dint had. Colin responded with this because the theorem is a representation of all his relationships and so even though he isn't that good with words and stories he would explain it all with he theorem and it would had all the elements to be good story.

"You can love someone so much, he thought. But you can never love people as much as you can miss them" (Green, 105)

     The quote is just after he talked with K19 and he was totally heart broken and since the book started he can't stop talking about her. And the quote is really sad because he is clearly not over her and she obviously is so over him. The quote was important because Green enhance the fact that he is struggling to forget her.

    We finally have the theorem which is really difficult to explain because it has many parts to it like variables to fill and fractions its actually a really elaborated theorem and i like how they explain it part by part so you understand how it works and how it came to be what it is. I absolutely loved when Lindsey invited Colin to dinner and wanted him to be prepared for the weekend and I am obsessed with them as a couple but clearly he is still in love with Katherine 19th and Lindsey has TOC. I hate him but i do think it was nice of him when he invited the boys to go hunting on the woods but i am 100 percent sure something bad will happened and everything will blow up. But i really like that they finally gave me a theorem even though it isn't the final its like the start of the final one.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Staying In the Pink Mansion

After Colin had the idea of the theorem Lindsey's boyfriend arrived, who strangely is also named  Colin.Hassan decided they will call Lindsey's boyfriend TOC (The Other Colin) since he said Colin was the original. Then Lindsey's mother arrived and we learned that her name is Hollis Wells and that she owns the shop were Lindsey Wells worked and a factory in town who used to make textile stuff. When Lindsey told Hollis Colin was a prodigy she was totally fascinated and invited both to dinner. When they arrived Colin thought they got lost because they were entering to a gigantic pink mansion,but it was actually the Wells mansion. After they ate Hollis offered Hassan and Colin a job, they just needed to do random tasks on the factory, the shop or just doing some work at the town. They will be payed 500$ a week and so they accepted they will be living in the mansion.

"Oh, it's weird. It's like the poor man's thumb sucking,isn't   it? Anyway, I only do it in private" (Green, 66)

    The quote is interesting because she was bitting the inside of her thumb but that's not it but she said she only does that in private but she was with Colin so that's not private I think Lindsey is feeling                            really good around Colin.So good that she does "private" stuff around him. I ship them.

     "Colin backed away from the door then. It occurred to him that he'd never done anything else in his whole life. Anagramming;spitting back facts he'd learned in books; memorizing ninety-nine digits of an already known number; falling in love with the same nine letters over and over again: retyping and retyping and retyping. His only hope for originality was the Theorem" (Green, 92)

     This scene is from when Colin heard Lindsey and Hassan talking about how good Colin is at some stuff that people that aren't prodigies can't do so easily. And then he realised he had been doing things that had already being done and that the only chance to do something new something that matter he just wants to be someone who made something never has ever done before and for him the only way to do that is the Theorem.

    I like how the book is going but I would like more chemistry between Lindsey and Colin. I liked how the road trip took a turn when the decided to stay I was really impressed that Colin accepted. I don't know why but i am hating TOC I just want him to disappear he is so annoying although he hasn't appear a lot i just can't stand him. The way the book is written is like related to the fact that Colin is a prodigy and the theorem and I absolutely love that there are graphs and calculations on the pages it just makes it so much interesting. I do want to see if the Theorem works but I want it to be fast like I want like 2 chapters full of the Theorem but all at once. Since its a John Green book there will obviously be a gigantic plot twist that will make things difficult but it will still be brilliant. I want to continue reading just to know how the Theorem goes like the story is funny and interesting but the big plot of the story is the Theorem.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Road Trip to Nowhere

An Abundance of Katherines is a book written by John Green about a 17 year old named Colin Singleton who lives in Chicago with his parents. Colin is a prodigy who has been dumped by 19 Katherine's in all his life. His best friend is Hassan Harbish who is tired of hearing about his friend breakup every single time. Since this was the 19th time Colin has been dumped Hassan decides they will take a road trip with no destiny to help his friend get over this breakup. Colin belief there are 2 types of people in the world Dumpee's and Dumper's and that all Katherine's are Dumpers. While they traveled they notice a sign that said that the tomb of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was there and Colin always wondered about his assassination and he wondered what his body why his body will be in America so they decide to go. There they met the tour guide who's name was Lindsey Lee Wells a 17 year old paramedic in training. While Lindsey was guiding the boys to the tomb Colin fell and hit his head and while he was in the floor he came up with a very interesting theory about relationships and a formula that he believed that could determine who will be the Dumpee and the Dumper even though the two people haven't met the formula worked .The book is written in an interesting way since there are some words that are no exactly part of the vocabulary they are words invented by the characters and beside each word there is a number and at the bottom of the page you find what it means, its not always words it can be a detailed explanation of a brief thing its mention or sometimes graphs.


"Kafir, you have a very complicated problem with a very simple solution." (Green,11)

     Kafir is the Islamic statement of faith, in transliterated Arabic: there is no God but God. And this quote is from Hassan and since he is from that religion and Colin is an atheist he sometimes refers to him as Kafir. Hassan is talking about the break up and how it is complicated but that the solution can be so simple as just getting K19 (Katherine 19) out of his mind.

"But still, the thought lurked out there, just beyond the reach of his headlights: he'd been dumped. By a girl named Katherine. For the nineteenth time"(Green,15)

     I think the quote want's to make it clear that Colin is suffering because it's the 19th time it happens  and the fact that John Green is saying this exact same thing but in different words like 4 times it means it is something we have to remember.

     So far the book is good, its still giving back story and introducing the characters more so I think thats why right now it doesn't give major plots. I think it is really interesting that this book is not written by the perspective of the main character which is odd since all of John Green's books that i have read so far are telling the story from the view of the main character. The perspective doesn't bother me but still it feels weird since i am used to other type of writing but it is still clear that it is a John Green book because of the way he tells the story in such a fascinating way that makes you feel part of the story. I am excited to see what happens next i personally think that since Colin got dumped   19 times by Katherine's the book will have another love interest for Colin but I'm not sure if her name will be Katherine or something else maybe Lindsey..... if she becomes her love interest i would be happy because so far she seems a good person and id like to see them together.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Solution to The Labyrinth

The Colonel,Pudge and Takumi finally have a solid theory of what happened to Alaska Young and the solution of how to get out of the labyrinth. Alaska gets a phone call from Jake for their anniversary and she always draw flowers on everything and one flower she draw of the phone booth when she was talking to Jake she saw the flowers and freaked out because January 9 was the date her mother died and she forgot and her mom used to put white flowers on Alaska's her when she was a kid do desperately she searched for white flowers and she just found the ones Jake gave her 1 year ago for their anniversary, white tulips.She went to her car and Takumi saw her and try to stop her but simply couldn't. So she drove and still we don't know if it was a suicide but any solution she was gonna take it would be straight & fast. The solution of the labyrinth is: forgiveness. Alaska forgives Pudge for not stopping her because Pudge forgives Alaska when she only though of herself and her mom not thinking what will happen to other when she died and thats how the world works and every person works like that because things that come together fall apart.

            "And then something invisible snapped inside her, and that which had come together commenced to fall apart" (Green,196)
     So the quote is like explaining in a philosophical way what happened inside Alaska at those moments of with all the confusion of the anniversary the kiss the flower and all. It is similar to a quote in Paper Towns: all the strings inside him broke, both quotes talk about dead people that count take it anymore and what was hold together began to collapsed.

          "And theres' no sugar coating it: She deserved better friends" (Green,219)
     All her friends are convinced they disappointed her and that she deserved better than them, friends that would have stopped her that night and don't helped her make things easier for her to destroy her  life. But at the same time they realise she forgive them for that and they forgive her for being so selfish.

So I finished the book it is defenetly in my top 5 favourite books i couldn't put it down at first i was kind of bored but then it was so interesting it was sad that Alaska died but it was also the perfect thing it was so great. I loved how much we see they feeling of the other friends after her dead are so real so pure.I forgot to mention but the book tell the story counting the days so the book is divided before and after her dead and is says like one hundred twenty six days before and it counts down and then is like 2 days after is so amazing because you see a year on process. I though there were parts of the book that were so meaningful and deep that i was impressed i absolutely love John Green's writing. I fall in love with the characters an the message so much.



The day after Alaska left The Eagle came to each room and made them all go to the gym. At the gym The Eagle sobbing gave the news, Alaska Young had died in a car crash. Pudge and The Colonel were just so sad they both had terrible reactions. The Colonel screamed and Pudge puked and refuses to believe she is dead. He just keeps thinking about the kiss and how she promised it to be continued. At the first part of the book there was a specific last words that Alaska wanted to ask Pudge what they meant which were How will i ever get out of this labyrinth and when cleaning her room Pudge found the book in which it the words were written. Alaska once dropped in in a puddle of water long before so most pages were spoiled and the page with the words was no exception but at the margin there was something written recently: Straight & Fast. They started to think the worst ,Alaska committed suicide. Alaska has crashed into a parked police car so The Colonel and Pudge went to talk to the police officer owner of the car and he said she didn't even turned she just went straight into the car, the death was fast since the steering wheel hit her chest and when they asked him what unusual thing they found at they car he said just some white tulips.
                                         WHEN THE EAGLE SAID ALASKA DIED.

                            "And she was killed.Alaska has passed away" (Green,139)
    This quote is said by the eagle at the gym giving the announcement it was such a shock at i at first thought it was just a misunderstanding when i started reading the paragraph and then i just wished it wasn't true but sadly it was and no one expected that.

                     "I know so many last words.But I will never know hers" (Green,142)
    Pudge loved her so much and i was so sad when he couldn't believe it and tried to find a explanation. In the quote he is like saying i know so many last words that don't even after to me but the last words of the person i love the most i don't know. He has no chance of knowing because the cop said it was instant dead she didn't said a word when he approach the car she was already dead.

Alaska died and it was the biggest plot twist of history for me i would NEVER expected that i though she was going to be expelled at first when the eagle called them but when he said those words i was just like wait what?!. I don't know how i feel about it but i think it gave a good twist to the book i think i like it. I am not sure how Pudge and Lara are going to continue the relationship or if they will even continue it and it he will tel her about the kiss and how she said it will be continued i really hope they don't continued together. The Colonel and Pudge fill extremely guilty and don't know if they are going to tell someone. They will be calling Jake soon so I want to see how that works out and what happens with Lara.

The Kiss

   When all come students come back from break they decided to prank the Eagle by starting fireworks at the middle of the night. beside his house.Lara, Takumi, Pudge, The Colonel and Alaska were involve in the prank and each person had a job for it to work. When they pulled the prank Lara and Pudge kissed and he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes.The next morning they played a drinking game in which you tell your best day ever and the person with the best story don't drink and same with the worst day. When it was turn for Alaska to tell her worst day we learn that her mother died when she was 8 years old from an Aneurysm. One day after the prank The Colonel, Alaska and pudge are in Alaska's room talking, they got drunk and decided to play truth or dare. On the first round Alaska dares Pudge to kiss her and they kiss. Then they all fall asleep The Colonel and Pudge were really drunk so they just heard a phone call then they heard Alaska leaving the room then she came back crying.They wake up and asked what was going on and she was freaked out and screaming while sobbing saying I just have to go help me get out of here. So the plan was to distracted the Eagle with fireworks while Alaska went to the parking lot to get her car and go.

"I thought she had fallen asleep and that whatever had hurt didn't hurt anymore" (Green,119)
  This is Alaska talking about the time her mom passed away and I cried at this part because its so sad how it all happened. Her best day was the day after this one were her mom took her to the zoo so i think it was her best day because it was her last with her mother.Alaska was alone with her mother at the house when this happened and she didn't knew what to do so she just cried and scream but she didn't called 911 and thats why her dad blamed her for the dead of her mother.

                 "We did not say: Don't Drive. You're Drunk" (Green,132)
   When Alaska left at the end of the chapter Pudge starts to realised what they did, they let Alaska drive drunk he also realised that she has a boyfriend and he has Lara. He begun to wonder what I think everyone did when they read this part, who called and why she needed to go so bad.

The book is so interesting I just want to get answers what is she felt guilt of kissing Pudge and went to Jake (her boyfriend) to apologise and the call was from him.I was so happy when they kissed i was so shocked too but i was mainly happy. I am not sure how things are going to work out because they were drunk after all and Alaska was a lot drunker than Pudge so maybe she would make like nothing happen but Pudge is very into Alaska. When he became a couple with Lara i was so mad because they hardly know each other and he don't even liked her so much. I want to see how things go between Pudge and Alaska as they become closer or forget all.

                                                   WONDERING WERE ALASKA IS.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


     Thanksgiving is approaching and most of the people in the campus will go to vacation usually to their families. Alaska, Pudge and The Colonel are deciding to go home or stay in campus for vacations. Alaska wants to stay on campus but she doesn't want to stay alone so she wants to convince Pudge and Th e Colonel to stay with her but both want to go home when there are 3 days left to decide ti go or stay The Colonel's final decision is to go home to his mother but Pudge is still thinking to stay with Alaska.I think Pudge had a hard time deciding because off course he wanted to go home but he knew that it would be boring and also he has feeling for Alaska and he wanted to spend some time with her. Finally he decides to stay with Alaska and spend Thanksgiving with her. When every one left there were just 3 people left on campus Alaska,Pudge and Mr. Starnes also called The Eagle. He makes sure rules are followed like no drinking, no smoking and not skipping class. Most people are afraid of The Eagle but Alaska and The Colonel love to make him mad.


     "I'm just scared of ghosts, Pudge. And home is full of them" (Green,80)
    This is what Alaska answer Pudge when he asked her why she wouldn't go home for vacation and I think the quote is kinda sad because by ghosts she probably refers to problems and its sad that she has so much problems at home she won't even go there for Thanksgiving and apparently the book says she has always stayed at campus for the holiday.

"But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating" (Green,89)
    The quote is from the time they were already alone on campus and he didn't know what to do and in the quote we can see how Pudge thinks of himself and of Alaska. He clearly thinks he is not good enough for her because he is boring an d because she has a boyfriend.

  The story is getting so good its really interesting and you just want to read more and know what will happen. The book is reminding me of Paper Towns in the relationship of Pudge and Alaska and Quentin and Margo because Alaska and Margo are so alike in so many ways as Pudge is very similar to Quentin. Q and Pudge both talked about the girls in the book like they were the greatest and they put themselves lower so that made a strong connection. I don't know what to think about Pudge and Alaska in the future because if Pudge never says something Alaska is never gonna know how Pudge feels and maybe she feels the same but she haven't told him which I doubt since there are no signs of that and she has a boyfriend but i really want them to be a thing.


Culver Creek

    Looking for Alaska is a book written by John Green about a 16 years old teenager named Miles Halter going to a college in Alabama. The book starts with him going to Culver Creek college and being assign to room 43 with his roommate Chip Martin (The Colonel), when they first meet The Colonel wanted to give Miles a nickname so he decided Pudge. The Colonel introduces Alaska Young and Pudge and they became friends eventually. Pudge also has a talent to remember last words of famous people. Alaska, The Colonel and Mile have some friends around campus like Takumi Hikohito, Lara Buterskay. The book so far is just introducing the characters and giving a backstory of the main 3 characters, but is interesting so far.


   "The fear and excitement of living in a place where you never know whats going to happen or when." (Green,29)
     The quote is after some seniors pulled a prank on Pudge and the quote I think it explains and foreshadow stuff. I think the quote is saying like after the prank anything is possible, but it could be also foreshadowing that some big and excited things are coming in the book.

"Shes cute, I thought, but you don't need to like a girl who treats you like your ten: you've already got a mom." (Green,34)

     The quote is very important to the relationship between Alaska and Pudge because this is the first time he has said that he kind of likes her but I don't know if it will turn into something else because Alaska already has a boyfriend but who know maybe something will happen and I really ship it.

 The book so far is good I like John Green's way of writing, I think I like it so much because i have read 2 books by him before this one Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Paper Towns. I like how the relationship between Pudge and Alaska is developing slowly but I really want them together it would be so fun to read how they would be in a relationship and how things will come along but the problem is Alaska's boyfriend. Pudge seems a very nice guy but Alaska is a little rebel with authorities and rules so it would be interesting the kind of problems and adventures they would go through as a couple. I want to read more about the Colonel's back story too.